Monday, August 29, 2011

The Wolves are at the Door

Those who have made capitalism work extremely well in their favor could be considered like wolves in many respects.  (Our citizenry is about 1% wolves and 94% sheep.  5% are other species.) The wolves have a pack and pack rules, including a pecking order.  No point in speculating further about the inner workings of the pack; we'll never know firsthand and it makes no difference because whatever any one or all of them decide to do, it's going to hurt the rest of us.  What puzzles me is those Sheep who have sold-out and now shill for the wolves, thinking that someday they, too, will get to be wolves.   They've adopted their own label, the Tea Party, and they are absolutely the dumbest and the loudest of the Sheep.

Capitalism rewards greed and the greediest are best rewarded.  To be fair, Socialism rewards laziness (and greed) and while the laziest get rewarded pretty well; the greedy still come out on top.  In any case, aspects of our government (the public sector) are purely socialistic and in order to not let it go too far, checks and balances were built in to the Constitution.  The same were authorized for applying to the private sector, and it has worked now and then, until the private sector finds ways to neutralize or remove those checks and balances - which they have.  The table is set and mutton is on the menu.

Also 'need to mention in the interest of fairness that Capitalism can also reward initiative and creativity.  Socialism can also reward cooperation and compassion - you see, things aren't all baa-a-a-ad!  (You knew that lame one had to come out sooner or later)

The governing institutions and their regulations for business have been neutered by paid-off politicians.  (Gosh, I hope that wasn't breaking news for you just now.)  What we have now is not government for the people, or of or by the people.  It is a really dysfunctional branch of business and large parts of it now only exist to shovel our money (and our children's and their children's, etc.) to wealthy contractors.  Think of it as a contract clearing house, the locks were switched and now only the greediest have the keys to the door.  Their howling sometimes keeps me up at night.

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