Sunday, August 28, 2011

Welcome Notes

Welcome to the philosophical/political corner of my brain - where the windows are open to let in light and fresh air, or at least a lot of wind.  If we're not acquainted, these few posts so far will give you an idea of my take on things.   I hope you will similarly put your ideas out here in response.  This blog is probably the hundred and forty-two thousandth new blog created today, so one way or another, this one may not matter much.  Time will tell. (Of course, to a ten billion year-old universe, no one's opinions -political or otherwise - matter at all.  Still, there's no shortage of those who think their opinions are the sum and substance of the universe.)

What's with the name?  In the movie with a similar name, the Horse Whisperer could somehow get horses motivated by, what, saying things that horses find motivating?  Anyway, I have long thought that the land of the free and the home of brave actually is populated, not by fervently patriotic, live-free-or-die types, but by a malcontented and mostly apathetic herd of grazers.  We don't think for ourselves enough.  We mostly just amble along and chew our way through life, bleating now and then, more than a little skittish, and not really thinking at all.  As long as words are here waiting to be used, they might as well be used to inspire some improvement in our situation.  So, the Sheep Whisperer has a clear mission.

The point here is to bring forth some notions that might actually do good in the world of ideas.  Ideas don't always lead to actions, but actions always come from ideas.  There is need for much healing of many broken things in human experience, and lazy, grazing Sheep aren't much help with that.  So let's get up on our hind legs and pull the wool back out of our eyes.

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