Michele Baa-achmann worries some folks. I'm not worried too much, but I am definitely disgusted. Although my worry is limited to thinking of her effect on mindless followers who will vote, and on the quality of political discourse in her wake, my disgust has no limits. She is a symbol more than an actual person. I've seen enough of what she symbolizes to last a lifetime and I have no interest in getting to know the actual person. Interested or not, I'll soon have my chance.
Can you believe it? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you: Michele Bachmann is coming out with a book! It almost makes one skeptical about the sincerity of her campaign from the start. Dare we be that cynical?? Although she has said God told her to run for president, it appears she's pulled another page right out of Sarah Palin's playbook and just staged a very long, well-financed, promotional tour for her memoir, or manifesto or whatever it will be. Knowing how deeply she holds her traditional family values, it will probably be a cookbook.
So, this will have all been about the money after all. There's another shock. This has become America's story theme (and probably has been since the days of the robber barons at the turn of the last century): It's All About the Money. We have no need of for a monarch, Cash is King. The likes of Donald Trump should be locked up for life, but instead they are celebrated. Can they dance, or sing? - nope, their talent is just being excessively greedy and crooked. These are the ones that warn against raising their taxes because it will cost jobs. I have a friend who takes that worn out argument one sarcastic step further by insisting we eliminate taxes on the rich altogether, so we can have full employment! That usually shuts them up in a debate.
Michele is all about smaller government, except the part that hands out farm subsidies. Her family farm has netted over a quarter million in handouts. She's against intrusive government, except the part that would police same sex partners wanting to marry. She's pro-constitution except the part of the 14th amendment that guarantees all citizens (it doesn't say... "straight"citizens...) equal protection under the law. She drapes herself regularly in the flag of this wonderful democracy but would actually rather we had a Christian theocracy. Pro-life 100%, all the way up to delivery at any stage of pregnancy, Michele would then say the child and family are on their own as they try to make it in a society she would strip of all health coverage and early childhood government programs.
Like everyone of her sad and noisy little flock, Michele wants everyone else's taxes raised and their programs cut, meanwhile she wants her tax-breaks retained and the highways and bridges she drives on to be well-maintained. She criticizes the media for their left-leaning bias and yet uses them recklessly to further her own divisive agenda and she would have them investigate her colleagues in congress to make sure they're patriotic enough.
We Minnesotans used to say the best thing to come out of Iowa was 35W, but if that's how Michele Bachmann came here, I say rip the road out of the ground - just after she leaves following her defeat in the next election.
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